Carbon and Other Emissions
Homburg Contactors – Equipment Upgrades
Case study of Green Tier participant Homburg Contractors’ aggressive upgrading of their primary construction equipment to efficient Tier 2, 3, and 4 engines. Fuel cost savings vary; other benefits include production efficiencies, reduced maintenance, and increased operator satisfaction.
Homburg Contractors – No Idling Policy
Case study of Green Tier participant Homburg Contractors’ implementation of a no-idling policy for their diesel-powered construction equipment. Benefits include financial savings and avoided risk to safety and reputation.
Phillips Medisize – Reduce VOC Emissions
Phillips-Medisize’s’s Medford facility used their already-installed Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) to further reduce VOC emissions by controlling dip-tank fugitive emissions process. The project, completed in 2013, reduced the tanks’ fugitive VOC emissions from 21.84 tons to 0.21 tons annually.

SC Johnson – Greenhouse Gas Reduction
S. C. Johnson has been tracking Greenhouse Gas Emissions for over 10 years. The primary drivers of its GHG emissions are from the electricity and natural gasused to power its facility. In the years 2000-2005 SCJ reduced GHG emissions globally by 10%. The Global goal for 2006 to 2011 was established by first evaluating the impact of estimated increases in GHG emissions through acquisitions and increased manufacturing volume, and then comparing this against the potential energy reduction projects. Using these inputs, the 2005-2011 goal was set at a 12% reduction from the 2000 baseline. In order to achieve this global goal, each manufacturing site was requested to contribute a 2% reduction from their current output. SCJ’s strategy for delivering the goal included: 1. Creating urgency and engagement throughout the organization; 2. Breaking down the five year goal into manageable pieces; 3. Creating the right structure and organizational activities (more)
Boldt – Pollution Prevention Program
Boldt aimed to reaffirm its commitment to beyond compliance performance by initiating programs for environmentally responsible construction, waste management, and education of subcontractors and clients. By also involving employees in environmental performance, Boldt was able to develop an upgraded pollution prevention program which minimized the opportunity for wastes to enter the environment through increased work place efficiency and communications.