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Sustainable Leadership Series
Meet the speakers below!
Click the images to learn more.
Day 1: AJ Gordon
CEO, Gordon Aluminum
Day 2: Michelle Miller
Chief Sustainability Officer, Appvion
Day 3: Kayla Buszka
Project Leader, Social Impact and Sustainability, Kohler Co.
Day 4: Steven Thomas
Executive VP, Chief Risk and Compliance Officer, Kohl's
Day 5: Theresa Lehman
Director of Sustainable Services, Miron Construction
Day 6: Mandela Barnes
Lt. Governor, State of WI
Day 7: Matt Howard
VP, The Water Council; Director, AWS North America
Day 8: August Ball
Founder, Cream City Conservation
Day 9: Lisa Geason-Bauer
President, Evolution Marketing
Day 10: Jane Elder
Executive Director, WI Academy of Arts, Sciences, and Letters
Day 11: Christie Weinberg (Speaker 1)
Senior Designer, Land's End
Day 1: Madison Romano (Speaker 2)
Associate Product Manager, Land's End
Bonus Interview: Andrea Hicks
Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering, UW-Madison
Bonus Interview: Tom Content
Executive Director, Citizen's Utility Board
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