The WI Sustainable Business Council and Cool Choices want to both thank and congratulate Empire Screen Printing for hosting the 9th Annual WI Sustainable Business Conference. Empire Screen Printing was an ideal host, and everyone came away so impressed with both the culture at Empire and the accomplishments with respect to the use of LED lights for drying ink.
Below find the Agenda for the 2016 conferences with a link to Barbara Nick’s presentation. Also, each presenter is linked to a page with their bio.
We are indebted (again) to the Compass Group for preparing a summary report of the Conference’s Carbon Footprint. We have done this every year of the conference. The Conference Sustainability Report is available here:
Note that we offset all of the conference’s carbon emissions through the purchase of Carbon Offsets. This year, we purchased offsets through Native Energy, TerraPass and Green Mountain Energy.

2016 WI Sustainable Business Conference
7:30 - Registration begins
8:30 - Welcome and Opening Remarks
Tom Eggert – Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council
Mayor Tim Kabat
9:00 - Co-Host Welcome
Kathy Kuntz – Cool Choices
9:15 - Welcome from Empire Screen Printing
John Freismuth – President, Empire Screen Printing
10:00 - Morning Keynote (Watch the video here)
Barbara Nick – President, Dairyland Power Cooperative
10:45 - Break/Passing Time
11:15 - Morning Breakout Sessions
Sustainability Tools (water, energy, sustainability assessment)
Mick Schwedler – Trane
Randy Bertram – WMEP
Jim Vaudreuil – Huebsch Services
Everyone’s Part of the Solution: Employee Engagement
Jessy Ortiz – Outpost Natural Foods
Max Christman – UW-Health
Chris Drees – Mercury Marine
Public/Private Partnerships
Jim Bradley – Home Savings Bank
Jack Wilson – Box Latch Products
John Didion – Didion Milling
Alternative Fuel Vehicles – hands-on interaction with electric and CNG cars
Chris Schneider – Honda Motorwerks
(Concurrent tours of Empire Screen offered during breakouts)
12:15 - Lunch
1:15 - Green Masters Presentation
1:45 - Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Sharing Your Sustainability Story
Randy Nedrelo – LaCrosse County Landfill
David Donovan – Xcel Energy
Nicole Krenner – 3M
Using Renewable Energy in Your Business
Ben Reynolds – Reynolds Transfer
Alan Eber – Gundersen Health
Dan Andersen – Phillips Medisize
Women in Sustainability
Majo Thurman – Rockwell
Kim Flood – UL Environment
Leah Samson – WasteCap WI
Mandy Goetsch– InPro
(Concurrent tours of Empire Screen offered during breakouts)
2:45 - Break/Passing Time
3:15 - Afternoon Keynote
Jeff Rich, Executive Director, Gundersen Health System, GL Envision
Joel Hirschboeck, General Manager of Fuel Procurement and Marketing, Kwik Trip, Inc
Thomas Content – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
4:00 - Closing Remarks
4:15 - Reception

For more information about why this conference is a sustainable event, click here.
This event is possible because of the generosity of our sponsors, partners, volunteers, and attendees.
Conference Sponsors

Conference Partners

Empire Conference Partners