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The Premier Wisconsin Sustainable Business Awards

Written by Sydney Smith, WSBC Communications Intern.

The Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council (WSBC) works to advance sustainable principles and practices forward through the power of business.

WSBC supports enterprises and sustainability professionals through an array of programming, education, resources and is a catalyst for companies looking to integrate sustainability into the fabric of their organization. To reward those dedicated to sustainability and those who exemplify what WSBC stands for, WSBC has created annual Sustainable Business Awards.

The WSBC Sustainable Business Awards recognize businesses and individuals leading, innovating, and driving sustainable impact across Wisconsin.

More specifically, the winners of these awards demonstrate measurable results in their company and/or industry and celebrate recipients for demonstrating cutting-edge environmental, social, and governance leadership. The Sustainable Business Awards honor businesses, teams, or individuals who develop sustainable products, services, or innovative business models. They demonstrate that financial, environmental, and social performance work together to strengthen resiliency and long-term business strength while also enhancing relationships with various stakeholder groups.

Anyone may feel compelled to self-nominate as a way to reward themselves and be recognized for all their sustainable efforts and accomplishments. Furthermore, in a world where many are drawn to environmentally friendly businesses, winning a WSBC Sustainable Business Award is an accomplishment and communicates to your key stakeholders your dedication to innovation and sustainability.

There are five different award categories:

Environmental or social impact comes from the use or making of products. The Sustainable Product Award will be given to individuals, teams, or companies for designing, or redesigning, a product with sustainability top of mind. WSBC encourages any business with a product they consider to be sustainable to apply for this award.

This award recognizes an innovative service that significantly influences and drives the adoption of sustainability through an organization, customer base, or industry. It applies to a company or service provider that can demonstrate having made a significant and measurable impact on Environmental, Social, and/or Governance (ESG) metrics across a value chain.

A sustainability champion can be anyone that embraces the possibilities of sustainability and integrates it into day-to-day business operations. This award recognizes the vision and commitment of individuals that often go unrecognized in driving sustainable change.

This award honors individuals who see a better way for business to serve all their stakeholders, from shareholders to employees and from customers to community members. These individuals show an outstanding commitment to sustainable business practice and drive impact across their business.

This award memorializes our founder's legacy and his countless contributions to the Wisconsin sustainable business community. It recognizes someone who has supported and contributed to growing and extending the network of sustainability resources available to the Wisconsin business community. This award is reserved for special recognition of unique individuals who made outsized contributions with lasting impacts on many.

WSBC is currently accepting public nominations for all awards. The nomination deadline is Wednesday, June 30, and the WSBC Board of Advisors will determine winners in July. Award winners will be notified in early August and celebrated at an event in September.

To learn more about past award winners visit:

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